India-Pakistan relation |
While fought shoulder to shoulder during independence with British, India-Pakistan relations later for some political & some personal interests over a long time gone are still known to the worldwide!! The main reason is the same that the Kashmir issue. There have been three wars made between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. Now both have become nuclear-powered countries, and they are once again in a war-torn situation, after the Pathankot, Uri and lastly Pulwama attack. But what is the reason for this conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir?
Hari Singh |
History says that before the independence of Pakistan and India in August 1947, the dispute over Kashmir began. The plan for the partition of British India called the 'Indian Independence Act', stated that Kashmir could join India or Pakistan - any state, according to its wishes. The then Hindu Maharaja of Kashmir Hari Singh wanted to stay remain independent or to join India. On the other hand, Muslims in West Jammu and Gilgit-Baltistan wanted to join Pakistan. In October 1947, Hari Singh signed an agreement to join India in the face of an attack by the Paktun tribal forces in Pakistan and received Indian military support. As a result, the Indo-Pakistan war began in the first three years, which lasted for almost two years.
In the UN Security Council, India raised the issue of Kashmir in the year 1948. The UN resolution 47 called for a referendum on Kashmir, the withdrawal of Pakistan's military, and the reduction of India's military presence to a minimum.
The ceasefire in Kashmir came into force in the year 1948, but Pakistan refused to withdraw its deployed army. From then on, Kashmir was virtually divided into two parts controlled by Pakistan and India.
Line of control India-Pakistan-China |
On the other hand, China established control of the Aksai-Chin part of Kashmir in the 1962 China-India War, and the following year, Pakistan was handed over to China - the region of Trans-Karakoram. Since then, control of Kashmir has been divided among three countries - Pakistan, India and China.
The second Indo-Pakistan war took place in 1965, followed by another ceasefire. This was followed by the third Indo-Pakistan War of 1971 and the Simla Treaty of 1972, the present line of control or control line was finalized. India occupied the Siachen Glacier area in 1984 - which is not identified with the Line of Control.
Indian forces engaged in another brief but bitter war against Pakistan-backed forces in 1999 i.e. Kargil War. Before the 'Kargil War' of 1999, the two countries were entitled to nuclear power.
Why So Much Conflict-Violence in India-ruled Kashmir?
Many in this part of Kashmir do not want the area to be ruled by India. They want - either full independence or annexation with Pakistan. Over 60% of India-ruled Jammu and Kashmir population is Muslim. It is the only state in India where the majority of Muslims. The unemployment rate here is very high, except that the strict security policies in the street protests and suppression of the rebels worsen the situation. Be it Insurgent activity in Kashmir began on a large scale following the controversial local elections in the wake of the emergence of an organization called JKLF in 1987. India complains that Pakistan is sending fighters from beyond the border - but Pakistan denies it.
Kashmiris Protesters |
In this state, after 1989, violent rebellion has undergone many ups and downs. However, on July 27, 22-year-old militant leader Burhan Wani was killed in a clash with security forces, which led to widespread protests throughout the valley. Burhan Wani was active on social media and the various videos he published were popular among the youth. It is believed that his role in reviving militant activities in the region and giving him a 'just image' is important.
Thousands of people attended the funeral of Burhan Wani in Troll town, 25 miles away in the capital city of Srinagar. The clash with the troops started after the funeral, and more than 30 civilians were killed in the violence. Ever since then, scattered violence has been taking place in the state. In 2018, civilians, security forces and militants were killed in the total - more than 500 people - the highest in the last decade.
Not only URI, Pathankot, Pulwama attack or Burhan Wani killed, but there were also so many incidents that happened after independence till 2019. Some of them want to described shortly.
1989 : As targeted by JKLF and Islamist campaigners, in the time of late 1989 and early 1990, the Hindus of the Kashmir Valley were forced to flee the Valley. Out of 4,00,000 to 6,50,000 Hindus living in the Kashmir Valley in 1990 only 2,400–3,000 remain there in 2016. According to the Indian government, more than 62,000 families are registered as Kashmiri refugees including some Sikh and Muslim families. Most of them were resettled in Jammu, National Capital Region, Delhi, and other neighboring states.
Protesters with Police Fight |
1998 : The 1998 Wandhama killings refer to the 25 January 1998 killing of 23 Kashmiri Pandit Hindus in J&K's town of Wandhama. Four children, nine women, and ten men were among the victims. A Hindu temple and a house were also totally demolished by the attackers. The Lashkar-e-Taiba was blamed for perpetrating the massacre.
Prankote Masakare Was the Killing of 24 Hindus in the Villages of Prankote and Dakikote in Udhampur District of Jammu and Kashmir and 17 April 1998.
Chapnari incident was a massacre of 25 Hindu villagers in Chapnari (also called Champanari by some sources ) in the village of Doda district in Jammu & Kashmir on 19 June 1998, by Pakistan-backed terrorist groups.
2000 : The Chittisinghpura massacre refers to the mass murder of 35 Sikh villagers in the district of Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir, India, on 20 March 2000.
August 2000, at least 89 people (official count) to 105 (as reported by PTI) were massacred in Kashmir on August 1 and 2 & at least 62 people were injured in at least five separate coordinated attacks by separatist Kashmiri militants. Kashmir Valley district of Anantnag and Doda in India. |
Amarnath Yatra |
Out of these, 32 were killed on 2 August in 2000, at the Amarnath Yatra massacre at Nunwan base camp in Pahalgam. Dead included 21 Hindu pilgrims, seven local Muslim shopkeepers, and three security officers, and also wounded seven more men.
There were so many massacres/rape cases that happened (Hindu Pandit family/laborers/villagers) during the period 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009. Also, many villagers/protesters of J&K state also died during the open fire by the forces, strict in Jammu & Kashmir on 19 June 1998, by Pakistan-backed terrorist groups.
2014 : On 5th December 2014, there were Four Different terror attacks at multiple places in the Kashmir Valley of Tea State of Jammu and Kashmir in India.
Hope for Peace in Kashmir Met Again and Again
Pathankot attack |
Kashmir is now along the divided Line of Control (India-Pakistan Control Line). In addition, China controls another part of the Aksai-chin and north of the Siachen glacier. After several bloodsheds between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control, the two countries signed a ceasefire agreement in 2003. Pakistan later pledges to stop funding for Kashmir's rebels, and India suggests - if rebels cease militant activities, they will be forgiven.
Modi-Nawaz Sharif |
After Narendra Modi's BJP Government took office in 2014, they vowed to take a strict policy on Pakistan but also showed interest in peace talks. The then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, also attended the swearing-in ceremony of Narendra Modi in Delhi. But a year later, an Indian airbase was attacked in Pathankot, Punjab - for which India was blamed by Pakistan-based groups. Mr. Modi canceled his scheduled visit to Islamabad. Since then there has been no progress in the talks between the two countries.
Is Kashmir went back to its previous state?
Balakot Attack |
The coalition government, led by the Peoples Democratic Party, was in power in the Indian-ruled Kashmir state in 2018 - so that the BJP was a partner. But in June, the BJP withdrew from the alliance, and since then the state has been under the direct rule of Delhi. The anger there has increased.
Imran Khan |
Several attacked on Indian Military bases in Kashmir since 2016. Tensions have erupted again between Pakistan and India over the recent killing of more than 40 paramilitary forces in a militant attack at Pulwama. India has undergone surgical strikes twice (POK and Balakot).
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said that if India takes military action against Pakistan - then Pakistan will take retaliation. India says they will do all they can to diplomatically detach Pakistan from the international community. It seems that whatever hopes were left to improve relations between these two countries - may have ended with the Pulwama attack.
Kashmir Youth Examine for join Force |
The position of Kashmir now has something changed after the withdraw of the curfew and also the last Election of Block Development Council (BDC) of Jammu & Kashmir indicates something different (Polling percentage above 90-95%) and in one case 100%. The main problem of J&K is unemployment and less-development, which is still now covered by religious and militants activities. Hope it will be also alteration completely in the coming days. India Govt. already started to join much Kashmiri youths in Indian Forces and after industrial development, in future, this scenario might be more shifted.
Diplomatic Relation with Pakistan (Time to Time)
In view of India's decision after withdrew of Article 370 and 35A on Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan has made a big decision on diplomatic relations with India. Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that our ambassadors will no longer be in India, and Indian ambassadors will be sent back from Pakistan. They also closed Air-root for India.
Parliament attack, 2001 |
Earlier, diplomatic relations between India and Pakistan had taken a similar look in the past in 2001. India returned the then High Commissioner Vijay Nambiar from Pakistan to protest the attack on Jaish Mohammed in Parliament. In response, Pakistan also withdrew their High Commissioner Ashraf Jahangir Kazi.
The two deputy commissioners served at the base for more than a year. In 2003, India expelled the deputy high commissioner of Pakistan, Jalil Abbas Jilani, the acting high commissioner, for spying. Pakistan also sends back the then Indian High Commissioner Sudhir Vyas in response.
Diplomatic relations between the two countries began in earnest after 2003, when Pakistan sent Aziz Ahmed Khan as High Commissioner to Delhi. India also sent Shivshankar Menon. Both sides, India and Pakistan, cut their numbers at the diplomatic level by half. In addition, some further decisions were made. India severed air, rail & bus connectivity with Pakistan.
This time Pakistan has decided to send back their embassy staff and dismiss the Indian High Commissioner. At the same time, Pakistan announced some more decisions.
Indo-Pak bilateral trade has been abolished. The trade volume is $ 2 billion. According to a recent report, it raised $ 2.5 billion, but declined again after the Uri attack and near about closed after the Pulwama incident.
India mainly exports chemicals, medicines & textiles to Pakistan. Pakistan exports to India mainly oil, minerals & so on.
What's the reason Pakistan Can't Get Fully Out of the Hole for Solve Permanently?
Imran-Bajwa |
To be clear, though Pakistan's leaders are elected in the Democratic way but according to Pakistan's history, they have no powers. Even if they want, there is no way out. The Pakistan Army ISI is in full control and the extremists take decisions. This is the main issue. Today's such fact is the cause of so high Loan taken from others, Pakistan can not pay interest in time. Generally, the tax burden is increasing for people of Pakistan day by day. Needless to say, already Gilgit-Baluchistan and POK raised their volume to left Pakistan (for freedom) immediately. Pakistan's army persecuted (even raped) for a long time in Gilgit-Baluchistan. Here they have no mercy curtsy for Muslims, when China killed & raped, they never raised their volume for those Muslims. But in the case of Kashmir they always ready to say about Kashmiri Muslims are tortured by Indian Force and start to disturb India & the general public of Kashmir, sent militants time to time (through ISI). The leaders never controlled it. How can diplomacy take position between these two countries?
And now there is nothing to say about Pakistan in detail. Since independence, it has only ended with anti-Hindu policies and the Kashmir issue. There was no time to look at their own economic condition, education, health, social awareness, anything. After that, the theft of their leaders, corruption & oppression of military officers are on their way to the end. Today, when a child is born in Pakistan, his debt is about 3 lakh rupees. Pakistan has been sold to China today - in a word, slave. What will this country fight with and what will it build? What is the status of the country that has to borrow anew to repay the interest on the loan? There is also a huge problem even in POK also. After that, if FATF is blacklisted, then there is no more talk.
Nowadays another incident raised in Pakistan i.e., fight between Shiya and Sunni groups, once upon a time migrated from Iraq and Iran. There is no control from the military administration, how ridiculous? They opened the rally in millions. Is their Indian RAW or RSS? Actually, the massive numbers of the normal public of Pakistan are still controlled by some Maulvi and military administrators? When they realized?