Global Warming !!


                   Global warming is one of the major environmental problems in the present world. It is approaching a climate change that is comparable to the greenhouse effect in the process. It is important to bring the problem under control because the chemical composition of the earth's atmosphere has already been in a completely different state from a hundred years ago, and indeed with the technological achievements of the present, it is not possible to reverse this changed state in the near future. The average temperature in the present world has increased by about  0.70°C compared to the average temperature of a hundred years ago. Hope the end of the 21st century, global warming may add an additional 2.5°C to 5.5°C. As a result, a significant change in sea level water levels may occur due to the inflation of the earth's surface, high mountain snowfall and rapid melting of glaciers in the polar regions.
Climate Change due to Global Warming
            Twenty million years ago, Earth's temperatures were much higher. Since then, the world has been through this cycle of ice age-inter-ice age-ice age. The reason for the fluctuation in this glacial cycle from one ice age to the Pleistocene period is due to the variation of the Earth's orbit around the sun and the relation of the sun with the rotation of the earth. The cycle of the onset of another ice age from the Ice Age to the inter-Hemisphere began about every 1 million years. The Earth's temperature in the Ice Age was 4° to 5°C lower than the temperature in the next Ice Age. The last glaciation ended about 4,000 years ago and resulted in the retreat of the continental glacier. During the last 3,000 years, the temperature in the world did not rise more than 2°C.
Air Pollution
Recent global warming is attributed to the gradual increase in the presence of specific greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These atmospheric gases do not obstruct the solar radiation of the lightning to reach the earth, while the latent radiation creates a barrier to move from Earth to the Earth, thereby warming the Earth. The gases responsible for global warming are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbon, and atmospheric water vapor. Industrialization, expansion of agriculture, especially moist paddy cultivation, numerical growth of automated vehicles, deforestation, nuclear weapon testing at a regular interval worldwide (thinner the Ozone layer) have all played a significant role in increasing the volume of the first four gases.

Fired in Amazon Forest
               Amazon forest is the lungs of the Earth, as it produced 25% of the world's oxygen content. But Human-driven deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been a major concern for decades as the impact of the rainforest on the global climate has been measured. From a global climate perspective, Amazon has the world's largest carbon dioxide sink and estimates to capture up to 25% of global carbon dioxide generation in plants and other biomass. Without this sink, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations would increase and contribute toward higher global temperatures, thus making the viability of the Amazon a global concern. Further, when the forest is lost through fire, additional carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere, and may possibly contribute significantly to the total carbon dioxide content.
Effect of Global Warming 
          Scientists fear that global warming may lead to climate change, sea-level rise and changes in population density and distribution. Using rotation models, scientists predict that the global temperature change range will be from 1.5° to 1.5°C, with the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubling. Temperatures have increased by 0.5°C in the last 100 years, but in the next 50 years, it is expected that the temperature may rise to 1.5 ° -2.2 ° C. According to the global temperature rise, the intensity of the water cycle increases and the rate of evaporation can increase up to 12%. This will increase the level of global degradation (rainfall, snowfall, dew, etc) in phases. Scientists are also fearing that global warming will increase the number and intensity of tropical storms. Sea level temperatures above 27°C are conducive to cyclones. Global warming will increase sea level temperatures more than the current, thus increasing the number and intensity of cyclones. Global warming will cause the thermal inflation of seawater. The increase in temperature will also contribute to melting of polar and mountain icebergs and melting ice. A task force report predicts that if the sea level rises by one meter, about 22,889 square kilometers of land will be lost at sea. It is estimated that the temperature of the earth will rise by about 1.8° to 6.3°C by 2100. As a result, the sea level will rise by 0.5 meters.
Ice Melting 
              The effects of climate change on human systems, caused by warming and shifts in snow, have been detected worldwide. The future social impacts of climate may will be uneven throughout the world. All human beings are at risk of experiencing -ve impacts, with low-latitude, less developed areas facing the greatest risk. Global warming has already increased global economic inequality and is projected to do so in the future. Climate impacts of climate change are now observable on all continents and across ocean regions. The Arctic, Africa, small islands, and Asian mega deltas are regions that are likely to be particularly affected by future climate change.
             Many extreme climate change effects are fully expected in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia, where poverty is intensified. As a result of climate fluctuations and climate change, existing disparities between men and women, between rich and poor and between different ethnicities have been expected to worsen. Poverty, political conflicts and the ecosystem are stressed. Regions may even become uninhabitable, with humidity and temperatures reaching levels that are too high for humans to survive.
Due to rising global temperatures, the world's leading climate scientists have warned, "Do something right now or risk the crisis!"

  • First of all, there should be plenty of forestries to reduce carbon dioxide.
  • Instead of using a personal car, walking, cycling or public transportation will help reduce carbon emissions and keep you fit.

Cycling to avoid Car use
  • To cool the house, keep the AC temperature at 20 degrees Celsius or higher. And lower the heater temperature to heat the house. Power will be saved as well. Also, avoid burning of fossil fuels for electricity. So Use LED materials for electrical purposes.
  • Red meat produces significantly more greenhouse gas emissions than chicken, fruits, vegetables or cereals.
  • "We have to conserve and recycle water. We need to try to get involved, especially in rainwater harvesting."
  • We are often told about the benefits of recycling. But a lot of carbon is used in the transportation and processing of the materials it takes to recycle an object. So try to avoid it also.
Green Earth

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